Nature and it’s healing qualities.

Nature is all around us, or at least it was.

Most of us living in an urban environment get little to no exposure to nature. We travel from home/flat to tarmac to car/bus/train to office block and back again. We do this without touching a single body part onto bare ground, grassland, leaf or tree. We’ve strived far from our connection to our true essence. Perhaps we’ve forgotten the benefits that nature can offer.


Some of us may have discovered the action of grounding. Grounding is when we realign our electrical energy by connecting to the earth. Usually, we become grounded by walking barefoot on soil/grassland/sand. Grounding has fascinating benefits for the entire body-mind system. Grounding calms the mind, reconnects us with our true nature, brings us into a tranquil state and relaxes us.


By being close to nature, we can begin to reap some benefits. Perhaps a field, park or forest isn’t available, but a plant, flower, vegetable or fruit is. We can look at or hold these creations and allow our connection to unfold and establish. Our contact with nature can soothe us. By recognising this, it will make the effects more potent and visible. 


Nature is perfect when in balance. It’s continuously trying to balance itself. Humans have had a tremendous impact on the earth, yet we are still nature’s creation. If we expand too far, nature will once again balance everything out. If we feel out of balance, being amongst some wildlife can centre us and bring our being into equilibrium.


When the mind becomes clouded or feels overwhelmed, walking in nature can bring us back to wholeness. Nature is a much better way to heal than filling the mind or body with other external stimulants. For example, food, television, social media, alcohol or drugs won’t be a lasting solution. If our mind feels crowded, stimulating it further with unnatural experiences will only extend that feeling. We are simply distracting the mind from thinking about whatever it was thinking about. Nature will show us that life needn’t be complex and full of stuff. We can live in harmony with ourselves and others by connecting with nature. 


How often do we do one thing at a time? Perhaps our toilet breaks have extended from 1 to 10 minutes because we are on our phones. We are constantly distracting ourselves. How much are we taking in? Our minds can only do one thing at a time. They switch between one thing and another at lightning speed. Think about how your body would react if you ran for 1 second in one direction and then ran in another for 1 second. The body would become tired, just as the mind becomes tired and overburdened with the various experiences we expose it to. Meditation is a great way to allow the mind to categorise our experiences and tap into our true nature of stillness. There’s more information on meditation here.


In my experience, nature has a fantastic way of drawing me out of the hustle and bustle of daily life and planting me in the present moment. It allows me to be at one with myself and the cosmos. Just as we look after our bodies through various means, we must also look after our minds. Become aware of how the mind feels. A headache might not arise because you’re dehydrated but because of the pressure we are putting on it. Take the time to listen to yourself. Treat your mind and body to stillness and relaxation by using what we are all born with: nature.