Our Story

Arthurs Seat, Edinburgh, UK

The beginning

Our union began back in 2016. We met like many others, at a party. Thanks to the friendliness of Elena (Fra’s sister), we met and connected right away. We both shared a love and passion for live music, fitness, food, friendship and discovery. It took almost 1 year for our relationship to truly blossom. In this time we explored each others hobbies, for Seb it was Yoga and music, for Fra it was circus, music and performance. We shared our interests and supported each other in exploring new methods of living and delved into different ways in which to exercise, get in shape and discover where happiness truly lies.

The middle

After uniting, we devoted our time to creating a life that we wanted. Neither of us felt that the full-time 9-5 was for us. During the first 5 years of our relationship we both worked as much as possible, separate from each other, yet we tried to work towards being together, so that we could establish a business focused on health and wellbeing. During this time, Seb travelled to India and qualified as a yoga teacher and Fra completed 3 years of study at Bristol, Circomedia. Both these trainings established the path towards a union that would later become Yoga and Circus Fitness our first business idea together.

The middle continued…

Because none of us know when the middle or the end truly is until it has happened, we can safely say we are still in the middle. Creation, sustenance and dissolution is a continuous part of life, but the only thing that is consistent is now, the present.

Having left our day jobs at the beginning of 2023, we have been continuously working on growing our business, offering support and wellbeing techniques to anyone who is seeking healing, deepening our knowledge of wellness, diet, nutrition, free living and minimalism. We now live full time in our motorhome ‘MG’, travel throughout The South West, Italy and beyond and try our best to establish transformational practices within our students and ourselves. As Rory Viggers said “A good teacher continues to train and expand their knowledge of their chosen subject.”

Join us as our story continues

Katowice, Poland with good friends

Where did the name The Ghingos come from?

It is a nickname that simply developed over time. Is began with Pi, then evolved into Pingu, then Gingu and now Ghingo. We now call each other Ghingo.

How do you earn a living?

Essentially we take work where we can and when we need it. Yoga classes, Circus classes, drum lessons, Italian lesson and the occasional extra work as supporting artists in TV/Film, gives us the finances to live a rent free lifestyle.

What is your cancellation policy?

If you have booked onto a session or booked us for a gig, we require at least 24 hours notification in order to issue a refund or reschedule.

Where do you get your information from?

You can find all of our resources via our Resources page.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Let’s talk.